I’m starting to see it! People on the streets, in shops, and best of all, I’m starting to see people’s faces again. While we still need to be smart, even if vaccinated, it’s wonderful to hug friends and share meals together. I feel as if i’ve been in a restless sleep for a year and, now that I’m waking, the colors are brighter, I can smell flowers and I’m making summer plans!

Out means getting dressed - Oh boy
All of this being out and about means I have to retire the pajama day wear and actually get dressed again. At first this was REALLY hard! I put on a couple pounds and lost some muscle definition during lockdown and the LAST thing I wanted to do was find out exactly how tight my old clothes really were. But a date with some girlfriends for a drink at an outdoor bar snapped me out of this doldrums and I shut my eyes and just jumped in! It wasn’t pretty at first (did I really eat that whole apple crisp sitting on my ass in front of the tv??) but at least I knew what I had to do. Matthew Reyes Yoga really helped me. These positive and affirming classes can also be REALLY hard (he offers starter classes too) so the change in your body happens fast. It’s easy to stick with it when you see results!

Our relationship with clothes has changed
One thing I learned through this process is that I want my clothes to work for ME and not the other way around. That doesn’t mean I don’t still love dressing up. Actually, I do it sometimes just to go to work at the studio (which is 6’ from my kitchen in my home). Sometimes when I dress like a designer, I feel more like a designer and I’m more productive. Now that we’re back in public again and I have a different relationship with my wardrobe, I’m not going to tolerate clothes that don’t feel good or serve my needs. Here are 3 things, in addition to yoga twice a week, that helped me make the transition out of my pajamas:
3 ideas for wearing real clothes again
1) Ditch the underwire. It’s easy! Just cut a small slit at one end of your bra where the underwire ends with sharp scissors and pull that torturous metal thing outta there! Need more support? Lively makes a great bra as does Third Love. Aerie is also comfortable and affordable!
2) Try the next size up. Even fitted clothes fit better when they aren’t so tight. Workout-wear that hugs feels really nice when the hug is soft but a tight hug can feel restrictive and honestly doesn’t look all that great either. Allow you to be you: buy the right size.
3) Ditch the purse. A heavy shoulder bag can bring on major back and neck problems not to mention the safely issues of setting it down anywhere (thieves, germs) What do you really need in there? I’ll bet you can fit it in your pockets. And of course, this is where we can help. We have sizes 0-12 in two flattering and practical styles. No need for a tiny waist; wear it on your hips! Ever tried a fanny pack? This is same idea but much more flattering and stylish. Still not sure? Sign up for our newsletter and learn more about pocket belts. I’ll bet a pocket belt will change the way you think about getting dressed and finally going out again!